Open Data Science Europe Workshop 2021

Open European Earth Observation Data, a Copernicus Overview and Outlook
2021-09-10, 10:40–11:20, HUGOTech

Driven by the Copernicus programme, the availability of open European earth observation data has considerably increased during the past years. While the present Copernicus Sentinel constellation will deliver continuous data up to 2030, the development of their direct successors, the next generation Sentinels (Sentinel-NG) has already started and even sooner the Sentinel High Priority Candidate missions, with entire new mission capabilities will be developed. In line with this increase in data volume and variety, data storage, processing and analysis is more and more done in cloud environments. Copernicus data access ranges from a.o. the Copernicus Open Access Hub, DIAS, Thematic Exploitation Platforms. Collaborative ground Segments, and Data Cubes to commercial cloud providers like Amazon and Google (Earth Engine). In this talk I will provide an overview of the present and future Copernicus data and (cloud) services with special focus to the land community.

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